Feb 09
Another day gone, another year gone, it never ends. we’ll, I suppose it will one day, hence the reason of making the most of each day.
Here is a classic saying that we saw the other day...

Some great pics have arrived from Mandy, who lives on the south coast of the UK. Oh, and your mother just called, she said to tell you not to go out ;like that, at least put a coat on, we don’t want you getting a chilly chest or any indecent proposals!
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Aug 09
Thanks again to Linda from the States for her latest photos. The only thing is, that when we first started chatting to young Linda, she implied that she was a simple, innocent girl who lived in a conservative one-horse town in the middle of nowhere. And now what do we see...a partying mad, flesh-exposing wildchild. Someone or something must have led her astray, there can be no other explanation that we can think of that could have corrupted her in such a way Maybe we can book her into some therapy centre to try and recapture her innocence. Maybe it’s too late?
We were talking in the lab the other day about whether there were aliens amongst us. Originally, the thought was that cats were the aliens, skulking around our homes, or pretending to sleep, meanwhile they are listening in on everything said in their vicinity. And then when we are all sleeping at night, suddenly they decide to go ‘out’ for a walk, when what they are actually doing is meeting up at a prearranged place to swap any information which might be useful to their leaders. Then the all face their bottoms together to form a large circle, angle their tails at back at 45 degrees to form a satellite dish and transmit their information back to the home planet for reasons unknown.
Recently however, through random conversations in the tea room, we have stumbled on another potential alien source – females!
We had noticed independently from each other that if you drive behind many woman, or sit next to one who is a the wheel, that if ever they come up to any sort of junction, the hesitate – even when there are no other vehicles with any chance of getting in their way. And here’s the best bit, we have worked out why this is. All female are the aliens, and their supervisors are actually invisible, and drive around in invisible cars and their way to special ‘meetings’. Only women can see them, and they slow down to let them have right of way so they can get around quicker without being held up at junctions, etc. Next time a woman slows down for ‘no reason’, see if you can see the optical distortion as the invisible car goes past.
Obviously it’s common knowledge that women chat a lot, and are generally quite inquisitive. This is all part of the global plan, to gather any information that might be useful to their leaders when they launch the ultimate plan for total female domination of the earth. And they are very cunning. Notice that when you are in earshot of them, and they are chatting on the phone or with friends, it just sounds like idle gossip or general nonsense. But when they are alone, they are swapping strategic information which is going to be used enslave and feminize the entire male population.  
They might tell you they have been out shopping, but that is just another cover story. Sure they will come home with bags of shopping, and pretend to be enthusiastic about it, but don’t fall for that one either. See how many clothes and shoes they have that are so similar – no normal humans would do that. They are just out on information gathering missions and buy anything to cover their tracks.
And another thing, have you noticed how often they hug each other, even if they have seen each other not that long ago. However, these aren’t actually hugs, that’s just a cover to make it look like something innocent. What they are actually doing is a ‘mass data transfer manoeuvre’. They have tiny transmitters with hard drives attached, situated just behind their nipples, and are organic, so expand as the information level increases – watch out for perky nipples expanding before your eyes.  These only have a very short range, so they have to hug to get their respective transmitters close enough to allow the transfer. And they are powerful. Forget USB 2, these ones are light years ahead, so they only need a brief hug for a massive transfer. You will know how much info is being transferred by the length of the hug. If you see a 2 women hugging for all long time, just imaging how much information they have gathered right under your nose. And if you watch their facial expression very carefully, you might see the ‘look’ they give each other when one of them has information to transfer.
Make the most of your current life, I don’t know how much time we have left…

Oct 09
More super pictures from Linda
who is having to balance elegantly
while carry heavy E cups in front
- not an easy task for any length
of time unless you do aerobics
at least 3 times a week, and then
you have to be careful on the
spinning exercises, as you could
get yourself into a spin you can't
stop! It’s hard to imaging that
those slim shapely legs can carry
the weight of all that boobage,
but they seem to manage very
And so
        to bed...

Nov 09
Lolita has sent us some more stunning photos from her boudoir. Looks like she is ready for a casual stroll down one of Paris’s
trendy boutique avenues for even more shopping. But she already has too many clothes to fit in her wardrobes, where will she
store the next lot?  - maybe it’s time to clear out the all the clothes that she couldn't do without but has never been worn.
